The Embodied Heart

A four week journey

Meet yourself with more honesty than ever before.

The Embodied Heart is a four week journey of dropping into vulnerability to experience what is truly living in your heart.


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What is it?

A four week journey into the depths of your human experience. The Embodied Heart aims to give you the structure, facilitation and opportunity to develop a relationship with your heart that allows you to be held in all variations of your life experiences. It is a four week journey that builds on itself, while giving you the tools and practices to develop the capacity to be with yourself.

Do you have willingness to jump into the unknown and taste the love and bliss that you have learnt to deny yourself the opportunity to experience? 

In order to live a life of fullness, purpose and connection, the heart must be met with honesty and vulnerability. Becoming intimate with our hearts experience is a brave and courageous endeavour. Accessing the parts of ourself we previously didn’t know how to be with gives us the opportunity to release our emotional history; releasing what has been hidden and dictating our unconscious behaviour. When we are present, we are gifted the remembering of the love that is always available, we are gifted more of our selves, more wholeness and more fulfilment.


Themes We Explore:

  • How to build on your willingness to feel your hurt, past experiences and pain as well as the love, vitality and richness of the human experience.

  • How to identify and feel the pain of the ways that you abandon yourself to people please, peace keep and avoid being alone.

  • How to create a relationship with your heart that facilitates trust, and allows it to hold you in your experience.

  • How to work with and calm the nervous system, with the intention of supporting heart led living.

  • How to form a deep relationship to your human heart that facilitates deeper truth, embodiment and authenticity.

  • How to create inner safety and feel a sense of reliability on your capacity to witness and hold yourself.

  • How to catch yourself when you are using the habit of needing to know as a distraction from your heart.


The Embodied Heart is exactly what it sounds like: four weeks of embodying the love you already are.



WHEN: 14th, 21st, 28th Nov, 5th Dec 2021 - 10AM AEST
WHERE: Via Zoom
INVESTMENT: $440 * Payment plans available*

What it looks like:

  • Four two hour group calls focused on tools, integrations and discourse (VALUE: $1000)

  • Worksheets designed specifically to help you integrate each week

  • One 30 minute one-on-one integration call (VALUE: $150 - not available anywhere else)

  • An intimate group of eight people only.

Your heart is waiting patiently to reveal itself to you